Two-Phase Treatment

What is two-phase orthodontic treatment?

Although most children can be treated in one phase, sometimes there are special circumstances where Dr. Brandon may recommend two-phase orthodontic treatment. Phase One would begin between the ages of seven to 10 years old. Then, a second phase of treatment would begin between ages 12-14. The goal of Phase One would be to address and correct specific dental issues early on to prevent more severe problems down the road.

Why Phase One may be recommended:

Common Phase One goals could possibly include: jaw growth guidance, reduce severe crowding, correct crossbite issues, address harmful habits such as thumb-sucking or tongue thrusting, or improve aesthetics and self-esteem. The goals for Phase One are usually completed within one year. 

What happens after Phase One?

At the end of the Phase One, not all permanent teeth will be present. Therefore, retainers will be made to hold the correction and your child will return for six-month periodic observation appointments with Dr. Brandon as we monitor eruption and growth.

Phase Two: 

Once all the permanent teeth erupt, Dr. Brandon will then evalutate your child for a second phase of treatment to finalize the alignment of their teeth and bite. This will involve braces or aligners at around the time your child becomes a teenager.